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Top 5 Museums in Marrakech

So many museums, so little time. We’ve got you covered. Here’s the pick of our top 5 museums in Marrakech. 


Museum of Confluences

The former home of Marrakech pasha Thami El Glaoui was built in 1910 and everyone from Colette to Charlie Chaplin was hosted there. Today it houses a museum exploring Morocco’s fascinating cultural heritage spanning Amazigh and Arab culture, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The building itself is an exquisite example of traditional architecture featuring patios, fountains and beautiful zellige. There’s also a gorgeous – and very popular – coffee shop where waiters serve coffee against a backdrop of palms.  



Yves Saint Laurent Museum

YSL Museum Marrakech

A must-see for fashionistas but also lovers of architecture and design too. The museum houses a beautiful homage to the legendary designer, who made Marrakech his second home, and iconic pieces are showcased alongside the story of his life. There’s also a small restaurant with a palm-fringed patio that’s perfect for lunch. And even the outside of the building is a masterclass in incredibly elegant architecture courtesy of Studio KO.



MAP Museum

Le MAP - Top museum in Marrakech


Marrakech’s newest museum showcases almost 3000 pieces of jewellery, clothing and textiles collected by Marlene and Paolo Ponce-Gallone during decades of travel and research in more than 50 countries. But the pieces aren’t there just to look good. MAP also questions the functions and uses of jewellery, the emotional, political and economic bonds – or divisions – it can reveal. The building spans three floors and was inspired by Ben Youssef Medersa. There’s also a gorgeous rooftop garden.




Top 5 museums MArrakech - MACAAL

The art scene in Africa is exploding and the work being produced here pulsates with freshness, modernity and vitality. This  not-for-profit museum is dedicated to showcasing contemporary work from across the continent and the collection includes painting, sculpture, digital art and video. There’s also a sculpture park, which is integrated into the Al Maaden Golf course, that you can arrange to see by emailing here



La Maison de la Photographie

top 5 museums in marrakech - maison de la photographie

This tiny museum is small but perfectly formed – and so close to the souk that it’s an easy stop during a day’s shopping. It houses a permanent collection of photographs of Morocco taken between 1870 and 1960 and offers a fascinating insight into traditional life. Don’t miss the stunning images of Marrakech medina as it was more than a century ago. The museum also houses temporary exhibitions and there’s a shop where you can buy gorgeous prints.



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